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2023 year in review: goodbye and good riddance

Dateline: 2023. Today is New Year's Eve 2023. I'm keen 2023 is drawing nigh. The year started nicely with a (cold!) 70-mile bike ride in the wine country south of Portland, Oregon. Fortunately, I dressed properly for it. Drove with Norm, 6 hours each way. He picked me up and drove each way, I kept offering to help drive but he declined. We drove over a pass on the way, through a slushy blizzard. Glad we had his fancy SUV with all wheel drive.  Halfway point, 30 degrees F -- At the start, 27 degrees F -- I rode the 70 miles mostly solo. Took my slow bike as knew I would. The others rode 125 miles that day, gak. I used to rub out those big miles with nary a care, but no more. I waited for Norm in a Mod Pizza a few hours, glad they had Wi-Fi & unlimited iced tea as I chugged a gallon I reckon. Stayed in this crappy motel he booked the night, separate rooms at least.  And his heater didn't work. Overnight temps in the teens, he had a bad night. Stop me when this gets too ex

Wait an hour for a dinner table? How empty is your life?

Reached out to former buddy. Did not go well.

Drunken ladyfriend freakouts

Hosted a bicycle tourist. Turns out he was a homeless guy.

Part 3 of 3: HR warning 'into the bush', 3M's 400 question RFP, 4 for 4 on failed hires

Part 2 of 3: Abusive Mormon, global exclusive, scammer doctor panel, Russians

Part 1 of 3: The first Seattle startup: honeymoon with Ron, robot survey takers, fired by Leo Burnett,