Perhaps you've seen this photo, from 2013.
The title of the article is:
Why Can't We Admit That Religion Is F***ing Crazy?
Inside the big baggie is an orthodox Jew. They have a 'no girl germs' policy, literally. They're not allowed to have any female contact, other than the missus.
Or - in August 2020, an airline passenger sued JetBlue as she had to move seats (twice!) for same reason, to keep her girl germs away.
Or - perhaps you've read Jerry Falwell Jr resigning from leading the largest Christian uni in the world.
Partly over this pic (yuk):
but mostly over him watching the pool boy shag the missus. For years. Note he quoted MLK on the way out. Free at last. Indeed.
Falwell's endorsement of drumpf in '16 brought the votes of (millions?) of evangelical refrigerator lights. Of course it did.
Speaking of fucktards, the photo that will live in infamy, and maybe even make a handful of refrigerator lights snap out of it:

Clearing a path through peaceful protesters, using pepper spray, to simply stand there holding the bible (incorrectly) because, of course, it will actually be effective with the lizard brains. Just stand there, holding a bible upside down. Easier than reading it.
Pastor tries pushing worker's head into deep fat fryer at Mcdonalds.
One of my earliest, or at least more vivid, memory is being shouted down by a lunch table of other 1st graders (1st grade!) because I said I didn't believe in god. As far back as 1st grade I recognized the well was poisoned.1st grade! Thinking for myself started early for me.
Whenever I hear folks making fun of Scientology, I have the same reply, to their face even: at least they're not running a global pedophilia ring, for centuries. See: Catholic Church, The. Scientology is harmless at least, people join it voluntarily, I believe. Not like mormons, amish, catholics etc where you're born into it by random luck of the draw.
Or - just one more, final nugget of hypocrisy, there are...hundreds? Thousands?
December 2021 breaking news yet another.