Why it's called 'pop' music

Why is it called 'pop' music? Pop is short for 'popular.' So then...

Why is pop music so generic? So gawdawful? Whether it's lady gaga, beyonce, xtina, kanye, madonna, taylor, mariah...et al. What you are listening to are generic beats pieced together by a team of invisibles hired by the brand to make ear candy beats. 

The 'DJ's' in the pic above are not doing anything other than twisting volume dials. That's literally all they do. 

In fact, for a technical breakdown of why popular music since the 90s is so gawdawful, here's a proper analysis by a musician:

So to my original question. The answer is the same reason mounds of refrigerator lights flock to megachurches as in this pic: 

Pop = popular. Popular by definition means mass appeal. Mass appeal by definition means a lack of taste. Mass appeal in fact 
requires a suspension of discrimination. Discrimination = taste. People without taste believe people who have taste are 'snobs.' What they think of as snobbery are in fact people with taste. 

Parting thought: