Most people have no appreciation or understanding how difficult the job of police officer is. I'm not in law enforcement, but I find the sentiment 'police are bad' ignorant.
Classic example. Kneejerk outrage via this pic, Michigan, April 2022. Driver had outstanding (violence related) warrant, fake license plate, nonstop resisting officer commands, then running, fighting, then shot dead.
I've been pulled over several times, none recently. 2x for expired tags (my dumb), rolling stop sign (guilty), leaving 3 seconds before green on the highway on-ramp (despise them). All those are 10+ years ago. The most recent was 4 yrs ago, didn't pay attn to flashing yellows indicating school nearby. Pulled over for speeding. Guilty.
Anyhoots, my point. I wasn't yakking back with the officer, bitching about 'why'd you stop me boo hoo' etc. I gave them my DL & insurance card, they looked me up, returned with a ticket. I thanked them & drove off. How fucking stupid is a driver who argues with an officer? Answer: pretty fucking stupid. I don't care if you're riled up they stopped you for a minor reason, or no reason for that matter. Don't argue with an officer, be respectful, obey their instructions. If you have an issue, take it up later. Call a lawyer. File a complaint.
When you fight with an officer, you're going to lose. When you argue with an officer, you're going to lose. Don't give them attitude. Don't drive drunk. Don't drive erratic. Don't be texting. Don't be speeding.
Oh and: don't drive with fake license plates.
They're doing their job, and it's an incredibly difficult, stressful, dangerous job. Be glad they're out there.
update 4.29.22: re white privilege
update 12.10.24: I could add something like this near daily in Minnesota