Dateline: 2001-03. Never told this story. Possibly told my bestie way way back. However, in light of yesterday's court decision, I decided to add to my permanent record here.
2001. She was an exec with General Electric. Successful. Smart. 1st date was some fancy eaterie in uptown area of Mpls. She moved seats to sit adjacent to me at some point. Reckon she took a shine to me as we ended up back at my place. Don't recall seeing her again, it happens. But she told me a month later she done got knocked up. We chatted on blower a few times, including (she claimed) leaving the clinic. Outcome: I'm not a pop.
2002. She was a public defender. Catholic. Mutual friends set us up. Don't recall the 1st date but we must have, wait for it, ended up back at my place. Went out a couple more times. A month? 2? later she said she done got knocked up. I went to visit her apartment oddly in the uptown area of Mpls. She was sitting in the corner, crying. Loudly. Apparently, I thought visiting her would somehow help, but she cried for most of my visit. I do recall her telling me she was talking with her priest about it, who counseled her to not be a mom. Outcome: I'm not a pop.
2003. My actual proper gf, lasted months. She was cool, big music fan. Interior designer. She had tried unsuccessfully for years to get preggers w/her idjit ex-hubs back in DC. She was on the sponge. I was indeed sponge worthy. The sponge works, but not completely. Apparently. Because, wait for it, she done got knocked up. She had wanted to be a mum for years, in her prior life anyhoots. Meets me, gets preggers. To this day I feel for her, how wrenching that was for her. I drove her to clinic, returned a couple hours later to pick her up. She was not in a good place. We limped along for another month or two but whatever happiness we had exited. Outcome: I'm not a pop.
Now & then I get asked why I never had kids. Besides being an offensive question to non-breeders, I think of those 3 very close calls. In particular, I think how the 1st two, both professional smart women, had unprotected sex with me, on the 1st or 2nd date. Should I have used protection? Of course, wish I had. Should they have insisted I do? Of course, wish they did. Why didn't we? I don't know. Booze maybe? Caught up in the excitement of meeting someone new? There are no excuses. It's inexcusable.
The court decision was just yesterday, hence this blurb. Has me thinking of the women in the states that are banning. How it makes a terribly difficult decision even worse.