Dateline: 2017, Xmas. Pops was a 'snowbird' ergo spent winters at his Scottsdale, AZ (next to Phoenix) condo. I visited him there ever Xmas week, 18 years in a row. The 19th he wasn't there. I had a tradition of always flying there on Xmas or Xmas eve. It's easy to fly then, not crowded. Security just waves people through without checking. When they're not napping. Planeloads of Jews high fiving over the cheap flights. It's a good gig.
The population of Scottsdale swells in winter. I would scan license plates at shopping malls: MN, WI, MI, IA, IL etc. Every day is 75 & sunshine, hard to resist that alternative to living like an animal back home. Pops had a ground floor condo in a collection of 4-plexes. For those of you who know the area: Miller & McDowell. On the greenbelt. The cheap end of Scottsdale. Anyhoots.
He had died (mostly) unexpectedly 2 months earlier. I was the estate executor. He left me with a stupefying amount of financial secrecy to unravel. Which took me 18 months. Will write about that separately someday. Meanwhile, I had 2 properties to empty & sell on top of the 10+ secret bank accounts. Remotely, as I didn't live in either state. One in wintery Midwest; the other in AZ as outlined earlier.

Partly for nostalgia, partly for the cheap arse flight, I decided to fly to AZ on Xmas day as I usually did. This time: oy, a mistake. Didn't think that one through. Fun fact: normally he's already been there a month, ergo pantry is stocked. I land, taxi the few miles to his place, observing, yes you guessed it: everything is closed on Xmas! Fast food joints, 7-11s, all closed. Ergo, had the key, let myself in, to the condo. He's been gone for 6 months up north, ergo there's nothing. No crackers, no cans of soup, no pasta, literally nothing. Icebox unplugged, etc. There's a weird sound coming from his bedroom. Walk in there. A full-size fan, 5ft high, is turned on max. Covered by a plastic bag. A plastic bag is completely wrapped around the fan grill. Hence the weird noise. I'm staring at this going, what the fucking fuck.
At that very moment there's a knock on the door. It's the neighbor, and my pop's pal. He didn't know pops kicked. Said I was there to empty it out, hire a realtor, hire an estate sale company, sell the car, etc. He's the one who set up the fan, explains why. There was flooding from rain, got in the ground floor units, carpet soaked, ergo the fan. Talk about a nice neighbor. This guy was fantastic. I leaned on him for random stuff for my 5 days there. I should have asked him for a sandwich.
Because: I'm ravenous. Wasn't interested in drinking notoriously dirty Phoenix water for dinner. However...wait for it...on the corner of Miller & McDowell, a few blocks away...is a Denny's! Thank fuck. I grab a book & notebook and walk over. It's around 6pm, Xmas nite. Empty right? Wrong. It's half full. Or half empty. You choose. I grab a seat at the counter, I'm the only one, and have a front row seat to the carnage. I'm 10 ft away from the most pathetic, incompetent clusterfuck I have ever witnessed inside a restaurant. The servers, cooks, mgr all seem baffled at the general functions of an eating establishment. They're arguing amongst themselves, diners keep walking up & complaining. Loudly. Methinks nobody wants to have Xmas dinner inside a Denny's. Myself? I have no choice. But I just flew in an hour earlier. I have an excuse. But everyone else? What the fuck? This is your big night out?
I remember vividly: I ordered a club sandwich with fries & coffee. Because: no cooking. Shouldn't take long. Right? Right?

My sandwich arrives 45 minutes (!) later. Room temp fries but too ravenous to care. During the wait I'm watching the cooks & servers, right in front of me. Nonstop arguing. I'm spending Xmas nite in a dysfunctional Denny's in Scottsdale, AZ. With only myself to blame.
And that would set the tone for the next 5 days. Jelly?

Back in the midwest I went to his local post office with the death certificate and officially registered his death with them. Had his stuff forwarded to me, who else would it go to? I continued to get his junk mail crap for over 2 years. He was on so many mailing lists & catalogs it was brutal. I spent weeks trying to get his name removed. But here's the kicker. For some reason I assumed registering a death at the post was systemwide. Wrongly assumed, turns out. Because when I opened his mailbox down in the desert, it was packed with envelops & mags. 2 months' worth of continuous junk mail packed into a box 4" x 4". Ergo, wait for it, had to go the Scottsdale main post and officially register his death with them there. Jelly? Multiply that by several dozen & you'll know a small slice of why the overall process took me 18 months. Let's focus.
The first morning of course I'm ravenous, again: no food in the place. So go to the car in garage which has been sitting dormant for 6 months. Turn the key: nothing. Not even a clicking. Fucking great. Can't even go grocery shopping. Well not true, I can via walking a mile to a fortunately close enough store. And no if you're wondering: returning to Denny's for flapjacks? Gak. As it's the day after xmas no car service places are open. The day after that I found some local shop who did onsite engine jumps with a space age portable batter pack. That was the ticket. Success! Had a car! Not for long, it was included in the estate sale. Sold for I think $10k. Someone got a sweet arse dealio there. But hey: everything must go.
Pops was 'thrifty' is the polite term. 4pm dinner specials. Matinee movies only (1pm on a Scottsdale afternoon). Thrifty doesn't do it justice. Weird hoarder is more accurate. Example: I opened one of his bathroom drawers for the 1st time ever to find it filled with slivers of bars of soap. He was unable to throw them out. Why? In case there's a soap shortage someday? Who the fuck knows. Example: mounds of stuck together coupons in other drawers, years old. Burger King coupons. Dairy Queen coupons. Years old. He never went to those places. No matter. They were offering deals. Example: the wee flatware baggies included with takeout? The wee fork & nappy? He hoarded those also. Because you know: in case his metal flatware melted or whatnot:
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wedged behind flatware |
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unjamming the icebox wall gap |
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walk-in closet, 3 sides |
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bags packed with bags |
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1 of the donation trips |
Those 2 upstairs fellers were so kind & helpful, thinking back now I hope I thanked them mucho for their generosity. I'm certain I did. Also the neighbor setting up the fan. Also the neighbor across the way. She was a loud talker pharma rep. She talked so loud on the phone, which was continuously, she could be heard through the walls in his bedroom. She left a thoughtful kind card for me in the door, writing her memories of pops who she knew for years.
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prepping that night's deposit |
They would not fucking budge. Complete morons. Brain dead worker bee cubicle jockeys. Print out my pic and there's your scan. So it was 4pm or something & there was a deadline (naturally) so I flew back to my car and found a public library further west in Apache Junction. They had copiers & fax machines. I had to pay to print the docs there, sign them, copy them (what fucking year is this) then, wait for it, fax to them. Those type of on-the-fly problem solving hassles continued nonstop for 18 months.
That's it for now, may add more as the memories arrive but I need a break from mentally revisiting this 5-day shitshow.