My baby turtle theory in humans

Dateline: 2022. Just walked out of a quick noon grocery run at Fred Meyer. Exited behind a mom of 6. Five youngsters walking, one on her back. I remarked, 'it's Monday, school day, no?' My ladyfriend replied 'they're prolly homeschooled.' 

Just yesterday, out on a gravel bike ride with 10 others. Perfect sunshine day for a ride. We were on a deep sand road, not really a road, more a trail through scrubland for ATVs and moto's. A pickup loaded with weird shit crept past us with 2 goatee dudes in it. 100 ft further another one came past slowly, goatee dude driver of course. Lady in other seat. He actually stopped next to me and said this 'why do you guys wear spandex...fuck.' Then drove 20 ft and said same to the other bikers, then another 20 ft and said it again.

I didn't say anything. Almost did as there were 6 of us but didn't. My mental replies I assembled as we rode on: 

Why do we wear spandex you wonder?

  1. for the baby Jesus
  2. donde esta la casa de Pepe?
  3. my confederate flag shirt is in the wash
  4. for the ladies
  5. bitcoin
  6. why do truck drivers wear goatees?
  7. that's a good question, and one that certainly deserves an answer
  8. why do motorcyclists wear leather?
  9. you really need to ask Jeff that (our big beast rider, looks like a Viking). 

Anyhoots. The opening few minutes of the movie Idiocracy covered this broader (non-spandex) topic 15 years ago, in a most excellent manner, take a look see. Only 4 minutes & brilliant.

The gist: smarter people make (more) careful breeding decisions. The decision to have a child, is there anything more profoundly important? It is to me, which is why I never had any. I'm a Big Brother mentor volunteer instead, for 20 years now (they grow up). But that's just me. 

What I see, and what you see, everywhere you look, are stupid people breeding. Over & over & over. I hear kids are expensive, but I'm clearly only hearing that from my tribe. Apparently not. 

Want to know why Americans continue to embarrass America? The idjits keep breeding, and apparently voting. Been to a big box grocery store lately? Look around. What do you see? It looks like Florida.

Sometimes I think, half-serious, that all the breeding is in the hope that one of them will break through and be a success. Ever seen what happens to baby sea turtles on the beach? They get picked off & gobbled by the birds, over & over. You need a lot of babies in the hopes a few make the sea, and even then it's non stop predators. Only in big numbers is there a chance the offspring will survive, and grow up to be a voter. Or at least meth addicts.

That nasty low achievement civil servant in Kentucky, who actually got a visit from the Pope, denying marriage licenses to gay couples, even after made legal. She has 4 divorces. Think about that. Not just the sad irony in her taking the moral high ground re who can & cannot get hitched. But also, that 4 local yokels found her worthy of their bride, even temporarily. Hell, even found her worthy of taking to cinema. Stupid people making stupid decisions about important life decisions. Like marriage, in her case. Why marry her? What's the advantage? Tax breaks?

I've tackled variations of this before: breeding, schools & driving. Sometimes this shit writes itself. 


update May 11, 2022: speaking of sea turtles