You know the type. Maybe you're one of those. Hell maybe they're the majority of Americans. Thing is, I can generally predict those that have lived in the same spot before even asking. Same as my accurately predicting people not actively on twitter without asking them. Without fail.
I've been thinking about writing this blurb for overt a year. Finally hopping to it because of a buddy who's in a serious rut. Health, drinking, marital. All covered. Lived in same area all his life. Been suggesting he sell his stuff & split to a year round sunshine state. I know he won't. It's a ton of work, undoing a lifetime of hoarding junk. But I also know this would be the kickstart jolt to the system that would give him the fresh start he needs. Same city, same people, same patterns.

Even for the 'stayers,' in general, they're missing out on a opportunity to explore, be adventurous, make new friends, see new sights. Hell it's all new: the grocery store, the dentist, restaurants, weather, you name it. And it's great. Shock to the system, especially doing it solo which I have for most of my moves. Can be a bit scary, but that's the point. Get out of the rut you are guaranteed to be living in without even realizing it.

I've been to Europe 11 times; I finally counted them up. I have a theory why American tourists get such a (well deserved) bad rap over there. They don't know what it's like to actually be in a new place. They expect the exact same service they get at their local Applebee's. How do I know? Partly from talking to the locals & partly seeing it myself, everywhere there. Actually, you can hear the Americans before you see them. And when you do? They're embarrassing. Relative to their surroundings. Fish out of water and all that. But: abrasive. Annoying af.

Why are they like this? Well, they're like this year-round is the main reason. But mainly they don't know what it's truly like to be in a new environment. To fit in or try to. They live in their wee mental box with their small circle of friends from high school, never occurring to them to go challenge themselves.
Sidebar: here's someone who made up for lost time, cool story.