
The latest:

If you need to pull over to make a phone call

There's the expression 'they can't walk & chew gum at the same time.'    I'm a bicyclist. I'm keenly traffic aware, meaning I monitor all cars around me. I have a mirror on my helmet for those behind me. Anyhoots, because I ride the roads so frequently, and slowly at 15-20 mph, I can see a lot.  Quite often I see a car pulled over. Because I bike a few feet away I can easily view the driver. 100% of the time they're on their phone, just like in the pic. I see this, and so do you, probably every day. We used to think they're out of gas, but now we all know they're just yapping on their phone.  Here's the problem(s) with this.  Problem 1: Let's say your local or state law says ya gotta pull over to yap. Any (new) car sold in the last, what? 5 years? 8 years? has Bluetooth. Your phone has Bluetooth. You can actually talk through your car stereo! Yes, crazy I know. But true. Oh wait! Your car has no Bluetooth? Or you're not sure? Or yo...

I'm not a breeder. I don't care your kid made honor roll.

How about don't get shot when pulled over by police

Exactly 94% of my Gen X tribe know fuckall about technology

It's not a party until someone gets stabbed

3 days in fraternity hell week = glad to be alive

He complained in restaurants. Then he died.

Me at age 17. Not being a whiny coddled bitch boy driven everywhere.

College job: Alzheimer's unit

My baby turtle theory in humans

Why do grownups listen to Def Leppard?

How I became a 10 year old pothead

Pink Floyd met Wizard of Oz. I was there.